RO-CRESS: Romanian expedition to study effects of climate change
First Romanian expedition to study the effects of climate change on the Great Boreal Forest starts at midnight, 15 June, in the city of Jibou (northwest of Romania).

Articol de Adrian Lungu, Sălaj, 14 Iunie 2018, 18:17
First Romanian expedition to study the effects of climate change on the Great Boreal Forest starts at midnight, 15 June, in the city of Jibou (northwest of Romania).
RO-CRESS (Romanian Climate Change Research Expedition Siberia) is organized by Jibou Biological Research Center, in collaboration with the Babeş-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, and ends on July 15th.
In this unique project through its world-class complexity, a group of 11 specialists in various fields such as botany, geography, entomology, zoology, dendrology and plant physiology will participate in this first expedition which is part of a wider project that tracks the effect of climate change on the Boreal Forest covering the Northern Hemisphere.
Specialists will travel along a route of about 20,000 kilometers, from northwest Romania, to the outskirts of Vladivostok, Russian Federation.
Total expedition costs amount to about 20,000 euros, according to Ziarul de Cluj.
Source:RRA.Translated by Miruna Matei