Real average salary, "dropping for the third month in a row"
Real earning index, i.e. the reported inflation for September fell by almost one percent against the previous month at 99,1 per cent, according to INS data.

Articol de Daniel Neguţ, 08 Noiembrie 2012, 11:16
The real average wage, i.e. the relative to inflation, fell for the third month in a row, according to statistics published on Tuesday.
The lowest wages were in the hotel industry, and the largest in the extraction of hydrocarbons and IT.
In September, the net nominal average earning was 1538 lei, with four lei more than in august-National Statistics Institute announces, but, taking into account and influence inflation, real earning index for September fell by almost one percent against the previous month at 99,1 per cent , being the third month in a row in which real wage declines, mostly due to inflation.
Incidentally, analyzing statistical data of this year, we note that the average real wage has grown only in March, April and June.
The lowest salary "hotels and restaurants"
The highest values of net nominal average earning were recorded in September in the extraction of crude oil and natural gas, to 4.296 lei on next seats being IT and financial intermediation services.
These three areas of activity, plus the tobacco products industry, have dominated the top salaries this year, being on the row position in the first nine months.
Average net wage the biggest so far was recorded in March, the tobacco industry and was 5075 lei.
The latest statistical data show that in September the lowest wages they have had employees in hotels and restaurants, 845 lei, followed by those in the clothing industry.
In fact, the lowest average salary on economy is already a tradition in the field named "hotels and restaurants", being constantly on the last place, almost two years, from January 2011 until now.
Translated by
Denisse-Meda Bucura
MTTLC, Bucharest University