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President Klaus Iohannis at the European Council in Brussels

Klaus Iohannis: There will be talks about combating terrorism, protection of the environment and illegal immigration

President Klaus Iohannis at the European Council in Brussels

Articol de Radiojurnal, 22 Iunie 2017, 21:48

President Klaus Iohannis is attending the European Council in Brussels (22-23 June).

The topics on the Agenda of the European Council were announced a few days ago in a press conference in Berlin, after a meeting between the Head of the Romanian State and the German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

The Agenda of the Summit includes topics where Romania and Germany have common positions: combating terrorism, protecting the environment, illegal immigration, security of the EU foreign borders and expanding the digital market, Iohannis said.

Friday, June 23, aside of the talks on the occasion of the European Council, President Klaus Iohannis has scheduled a meeting with his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron. During an interview with several European publications, Emmanuel Macron said that Member States that receive Community funds but do not apply the principles of the European Union should fully feel the political consequences.

Source:RRA.Translated by Miruna Matei

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