Preserving the memory of the victims and actions against antisemitism

Articol de Florin Lepădatu, 08 Octombrie 2022, 04:15
RADIO ROMANIA NEWS - The Jews and Roma killed during the Holocaust in Romania were commemorated, yesterday, at the memorial built in their memory.
Those present emphasized the importance of preserving the memory of the victims and actions against anti-Semitism.
Elisabeth Ungureanu, head of communication service at the "Elie Wiesel" Institute: "81 years ago, the Ion Antonescu regime triggered the final phase of the mass destruction of the Jews in Romania and the administered territories. Most of the Jews from Bessarabia, Northern and Southern Bukovina were deported to Transnistria. 80 years ago, the deportation of Roma in Transnistria began; of the 25.000 Roma deported, almost half never returned. 78 years ago, another tragedy befell, this time, on the Jews of Northern Transylvania. Through the irresponsibility of Nazi Germany and with the full collaboration of the Hungarian authorities, in May 1944, 135.000 Jews were deported to the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp. 90% of them were exterminated."
Translated by: Radu Matei