Petition for declassification of Roşia Montană contract
The Greens Movement - Agrarian Democrats (MVDA) and the Social Democratic Party (PSD) have demanded the declassification of the full contract between the Roşia Montană Gold Corporation and the Romanian state.

21 Septembrie 2011, 10:44
PSD and MVDA have initiated a public petition that demands the declassification of the contract concluded by the Romanian state with the Roşia Montană Gold Corporation and organising a referendum on the Romanian gold mining.
According to he initiators, the petition can be signed either on the internet or in the centres which are to be opened in all major cities.
The one who has been arguing insistently in recent days in favour of the mining project in Roşia Montană was President Traian Băsescu, who has admitted that the contract must be renegotiated and insisted that such a project would create new jobs.
The Social Democrats argue that the figures bandied about the possible jobs created by the mining project are entirely false.
The PSD representatives also claim that there are suspicious links between the Roşia Montană Gold Corporation and some politicians.
Daciana Sârbu from PSD consideres that Romania must be properly informed about the mining project.
"I believe that Romanians need to know the truth about what will happen there, how many jobs will actually be created, what is being exploited in Roşia Montană, why Traian Băsescu has suddenly taken this position and is practically pushing the government to take this decision as soon as possible", Daciana Sârbu said.
In order to unveil the truth, the Greens and the Social Democrats have demanded the declassification of the full contract between the Roşia Montană Gold Corporation and the Romanian state and wants an investigation parliamentary commission to analyse the document.
PSD has also requested the disclosure of benefits and costs related to the project and even a referendum on gold mining.
Remus Cernea, the co-chairman of the Greens Movement, argues that the answer given by the USL is one of maximum responsibility and that it is not the head of state's responsibility to promote the mining project.
Mining "the fastest way to create jobs"
Traian Băsescu said on Monday to the ministers attending the appointment ceremony of Sulfina Barbu that the quickest way to create jobs was mining.
"The fastest way to create jobs is gold, silver and copper mining, metals whose price has risen over the last years and currently reopening the mines no longer require subsidies. I demand you one thing: courage", Traian Băsescu said.
Despite the repeated urging of the president, the government still lacks a clear position on this subject.
Premier Emil Boc supports the renegotiation of the contract in order to obtain a higher royalty.
On the other hand, the Environment Minister, László Borbély, has demanded the Gold Corporation to implement technologies through which the cyanide concentration is reduced well below the legal limit.
Deputy Prime Minister Marko Bela said recently in an interview for Agerpres that in the Roşia Montană case the coalition must take a clear position, because the issue cannot be left on the shoulders of the environment and culture ministries.
Translated by: Iulia Florescu,
MA Student, MTTLC, Bucharest University