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Paper airplane Championship

Saturday in the Old Centre, on the Caragiale festival stage will be a symbolic action dedicated to the friendship between Ion Luca Caragiale and Aurel Vlaicu.

Paper airplane Championship

Articol de Răzvan Stancu, 25 August 2012, 11:02

Saturday in the Old Centre of the capital, near the stage of the Festival "Bucureştii lui Caragiale" starting at 21.45 the paper airplane Championship will be held , a symbolic action dedicated to the friendship between Ion Luca Caragiale and Aurel Vlaicu, according to Mediafax.

Bucureştii lui Caragiale Festival audience will attend Saturday at the contest of launched paper airplanes initiated by the Youth Center of the Bucharest Metropolitan Library .

Competitors will launch aircrafts on the festival stage.

The organizers will make available to competitors for the made sheets of paper for made airplanes on the spot, and those who will do the best "flights" will receive prizes.

This contest is organised in the context of a double anniversary in 2012, the 100th anniversary of the death of I.L. Caragiale and 130 years from the birth of Aurel Vlaicu.

On August 27, 1911, at Blaj, Caragiale witnessed the plane's Aurel Vlaicu flight.

Newspapers at the time reported that immediately after the end of the flight, i. l. Caragiale went to Aurel Vlaicu and exclaimed: "you are a genius of our country, boy!". He then gave his photo with dedication " Live, Vlaicu ! And Keep up high ! ".

Festival "Bucureştii lui Caragiale", organized at the fulfillment of the centenary of the great playwright, is taking place for the first time in Bucharest.

The Festival kicked off on June 9 and will end on September 20.

The Festival is organized by the Monuments and Tourist Heritage Administration and Bucharest City Hall , in collaboration with the Comedy Theatre, Metropolis Theatre, Nottara Theatre,Masca Theatre , Bucharest National Opera, Creative Art and Tradition Center -CreArt, National Museum of Romanian Literature, National University of Theatrical Arts and Cinematography, Bucharest Metropolitan Library and Circus &Variété Globus.

Translated by Denisse-Meda Bucura

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