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Oncology drugs "in open circuit pharmacies"

Medicines for patients with cancer can be purchased starting next month also from open circuit pharmacies, said Health Minister Eugen Nicolaescu.

Oncology drugs "in open circuit pharmacies"
Foto: Arhivă Reuters.

Articol de Nicoleta Stoian, 23 Aprilie 2013, 20:12

He added that by the end of the year there will be no more problems with the supply of these drugs.

On Sunday, the minister presented a report on cooperation with the Alliance of Romania chronic patients, partnership that focused on the acquisition of drugs with poor stock.

"Our main directions were once to pay some money to UNIFARM so that it is able to have an additional resource to ensure those drugs that everyone knows that we have a lack in supply.

"We know, for example, for some there was made a parallel export, some were withdrew from the market by manufacturers so that subsequently to raise the prices. We compiled a list of drugs that we found a discontinuity in the supply", said Eugen Nicolaescu.

According to the minister, was instituted also a rapid warning.

"We made this list to be increasingly smaller. We established a rapid alert system in the institutions responsible for the drug", said Eugen Nicolaescu.

Also the president of the Alliance of chronic patients in Romania, Cezar Irimia says that the situation has improved in terms of anticancer drugs.

"For three years we inform you that these cytostatic have disappeared from the market. Last time was even the Romanian Cancer Society, on March the 4th, 2012. I pointed out the lack of the 40 chemotherapy in Romania. Now things have started to be rearranged.

"Prohibition of parallel trade with chemotherapy. This was the culmination point of what we claim since 2009 even to the presidency institution and we were told that there are no solutions to stop this parallel trade. Forget that there were found solutions, our anticancer drugs have gone to West ", said the President of PRCA, Cezar Irimia.

Translated by Alexandra-Diana Mircea

MTTLC, Bucharest University

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