On the night of 24/25 October 2020, 4 AM becomes 3 AM

Articol de Alex Lancuzov, 23 Octombrie 2020, 02:45
CFR Calatori informs that starting with October 25, 2020, the activity of railway passenger transport will change to Eastern European time, 4 AM becoming 3 AM.
The changeover to Eastern European time does not change the trains' runs.
On the night of 24/25 October 2020, when 4 AM becomes 3 AM, all passenger trains that have the departure time after 4 AM will resume traveling respecting the time of Eastern Europe.
Passenger trains in circulation after 4 AM, official summer time, will stop at the established stations along the route, where they will wait for the departure time from the Eastern European timetable in force. The trains that still have to travel a short distance to the final station will continue their journey to their destination.
Given that in the neighboring countries the transition from summer time to official Eastern European time is made on the same day of October 25, 2020, between the border stations the trains will travel according to the hours of the running train, it says in a communique from CFR Calatori.
Translated by: Radu Matei