OMS appeals to doctors to often wash their hands
Doctors pay an insufficient attention to hand washing before the contact with the patient, warns World Health Organization (OMS).

Articol de Beatrice Brăileanu, 09 Mai 2012, 07:54
Almost 10 percent of patients contact various infections during their treatment within a hospital unit , reveals a published study by OMS, which assesses the incidence of nosocomial infections in the world, broadcasts on Tuesday Daily Med.
In the developed countries, according to the study, 7 patients of 100 contact such infections, while in the emergent countries the percentage is bigger, of 10 percent.
Within the reminded study, the OMS experts have noticed that every third patient from the intensive care or resuscitation contacts nosocomial infections.
In this respect, they outline that the main responsibility in spreading of this type of infection belongs to the medical staff, which most of the times breaks the personal hygiene care.
Especially, the medical staff pays an insufficient attention to hand washing before the contact with the patients, signals OMS.
The organization appeals to doctors to disinfect their hands with special solutions or, in the worst case with regular soap.
Translated by Alexandra-Diana Mircea
MTTLC, Bucharest University