"No student who is in the 8th or 12th grade will be left without the opportunity to take the exam, either the National Assessment or the Baccalaureate exam"

Articol de Florin Lepădatu, 30 Mai 2023, 02:43
RADIO ROMANIA NEWS - The Minister of Education will present the new proposal of the trade unions to the Government. For now, there is no question of postponing the final secondary and high school exams, said Ligia Deca.
Ligia Deca: "As for the national exams, again, at this moment, the calendar remains standing. The registration period for the Baccalaureate exam started, and it continue until June 7, so there is enough time. No student will be left with an unfinished school situation. No student who is in the 8th or 12th grade will be left without the opportunity to take the exam, either the National Assessment or the Baccalaureate exam."
Translated by: Radu Matei