No mask in spaces with up to 5 vaccinated employees

Articol de Florin Lepădatu, 28 Mai 2021, 05:08
Employees vaccinated against COVID will not be required, from June 1, to wear a protective mask if they work no more than 5 in an enclosed space, the executive decided on Thursday.
"The exception of wearing a protective mask for vaccinated people working in closed spaces where there are no more than 5 workers has been introduced," said Prime Minister Florin Citu at Victoria Palace.
Also, Romania will be open to foreign tourism, foreigners being able to come to Romania in compliance with the general health conditions, depending on the list on which their country is on, announced on Thursday, after a government meeting, the Minister of Economy, Claudiu Nasui.
"Good news for tourism and for HoReCa. Romania will be open to foreign tourism. The list of people who had the right to come was removed from the Government Decision. In addition to the general criteria for countries in the green, yellow and red zones, there was also a list of people who had the right to enter the country. This list has been removed. It was something that was asked of us by most of the tourism organizations. There were also bilateral talks for selective discussions, now we have a clear rule generally applicable to all countries", stated Claudiu Nasui.
Translated by: Radu Matei