New Bucharest South Ring Road Motorway
Contract notice for the public procurement procedure for the design and execution of the new Bucharest South Ring Road Motorway

Articol de Florin Lepădatu, 06 Iulie 2017, 15:07
The Romanian National Company of Administration of Road Infrastructure (CNAIR) submitted on Wednesday to SEAP the tender notice for the public procurement procedure for the design and execution of the new South Ring Road Motorway around Bucharest, that will link the existing A1 and A2 highways.
This new belt segment, with a lenght of 52 kilometers, will be built as a highway.
The project has a value of about 580 million euros, it will allow traffic decongestion in the Southern area of Bucharest and it will ensure transit traffic by road.
The designing of this motorway segment is scheduled to last 12 months, with a 30 months execution timeframe after the contract will be awarded.
The deadline for submission of tenders will be approximately three months.
The project is part of the New Road Ring of the Capital (Ring 0) and will be similar to those Rings designed to streamline the traffic in the European metropolitan areas.
Source:RRA.Translated by Miruna Matei