Nearly 22% of citizens turned out to vote by 1 p.m.

Articol de Petruţa Obrejan, 09 Iunie 2024, 15:21
Nearly 4 million people have so far turned out to vote in the local and European parliamentary elections. RRA reporter Petruta Obrejan transmitted from the Central Electoral Office what the turnout is by county.
Reporter: Nearly 22% of citizens have turned out so far to vote for their candidates for the European Parliament, including more than 2 million in rural areas and as many in urban areas. There was a high turnout in Teleorman county, with 29.43%, but also in Olt, Giurgiu, Valcea and Mehedinti.
At the other end of the scale are Vaslui, Iasi, Cluj and Sibiu counties, where turnout has not yet exceeded 19 percent.
As for the election of local government authorities, the turnout exceeded 21.56% for this hour, it is higher in rural areas, where more than 2 million people voted. Here again, the counties with the highest turnout are Teleorman, Olt and Giurgiu, and those where voters are still not rushing are Vaslui, Iasi and Cluj.
In the capital, so far, almost 17% of citizens have turned out to vote for both the European parliamentary and local elections.
Translated by: Radu Matei