National Press Review November 2
Articles from Gândul, Adevărul, Azi, Jurnalul Naţional, Evenimentul Zilei and România liberă.

Articol de Daniela Coman, corespondent RRA în Franța, 02 Noiembrie 2010, 19:53
From Gândul we find out ‘what Basescu have negotiated with the Fund’ and also ‘on what the major part of money will be spent in 2011’. Governmental sources made it clear for Gândul that Traian Basescu would have convinced the IMF representatives to allow the increase in the budgetary shortfall in the middle of the next year on the condition that money was spent strictly on investments. Currently, 46,000 investments are opened, which need 40 billion euros.
The newspaper adds – The project of Elena Udrea regarding the construction of 10,000 kilometres of county and communal roads is also on the governors’ list of priorities. In its turn, Adevărul is trying to prove, I quote How IMF put the Government on knees for the credits’ law.
Jeffrey Franks, the head of the IMF mission in Romania, has made it clear that finding a balance between consumer’s protection and bank system’s preservation is very important. What does this balance mean? The premier Boc has explained that the famous Ordinance no.50 will no more be put into practice for the ongoing contracts, too.
Adevarul also specifies that banks benefit from this measure while customers claim that the Ordinance no.50 has helped them to find out about the misuses of the credit contracts.
The newspaper Azi writes that IMF postpones the installment until next year . The payment law in the budgetary sector, the budget approval for 2011 and the pensions’ reform are among the conditions required for the release of the next loan installment. It will be released in the middle of January, and not in December if the agreed mainstreams are implemented.
Jurnalul National writes as a title on the first page -The dream of Bucharest-Brasov highway costs us a fortune. The Company for Highways and National Roads spends eighty-one million euros on an unreal road.
And look what the explanation of this title is: We have hardly been paying for a highway that should link the Capital to the country’s centre since 2006. If there has been built something between Bucharest and Ploiesti , the Comarnic-Brasov section will have long to wait: after many failed contracts, the auction for the work attribution must be reorganized.
Evenimentul Zilei publishes on the first page- Expert pilots killed by an antique aircraft. Two militaries with hundreds of flying hours in the present and used to international missions died yesterday, after the MiG plane they were piloting had fallen down out of the blue next to Câmpia Turzii base. The investigators have not identified the causes of the tragedy yet, but sources of the army blame the aircrafts’ outdated technical condition.
It fell down like a rock – the witnesses stated. In the last twenty years, nineteen planes of the type MiG-21 Lancer, which are thirty years old, fell down because of some technical damages that, in the experts’ opinion, are put at the expense of the planes’ wear and tear and, as a consequence, eleven pilots lost their lives. Several voices coming from military pilots assert that the elites of military aviation die in the line of duty because of some antique aircrafts.
The Supreme Council of National Defense has approved this year the procurement of 24 second hand aircrafts of the type F16 from the USA., but later the Government has blocked this investment due to the lack of financial resources.
România Liberă gives good news to Justice: The Supreme Judicial Council has collapsed: four young judges have managed to break the monopoly of the old guard from the Supreme Judicial Council. Yesterday elections show that the first steps for the Justice’s mending have been taken. Romania Libera writes that despite all these aspects, the old guard will continue on being in control of the majority ,thus putting under the question the giving up of the old practices of supporting the magistrates under the suspicion of corruption and of advancing into office on patronage criterion, for which Romania has always been criticized by the European Union .
And, finally one more piece of good news from the international actuality, which you may find it in Evenimentul Zilei: The victory of Dilma Rousseff in the presidential elections from Brasil lifts the number of women who have succeeded in accessing the supreme office in country, to ten. Seven other ladies occupy the office of premier worldwidely to which several heads of diplomacy add, such as Hilarry Clinton in the USA.
Translated by: Roxana-Maria Budulan(Chesnoiu) and Oana Udrescu
MA student, MTTLC, Bucharest University