National Press Review, March 6
Articles from dailies Jurnalul National, Evenimentul Zilei, România Liberă, Adevărul and Ziarul Financiar.

06 Martie 2012, 15:22
Armed attack at Perla is by far the most mediated topic, for seriousness and lack of precedent.
The attacker had several active criminal complaints, while holding a gun legally.
" After the carnage at the hairdressing , Vlădan came out relaxed," writes Jurnalul National.
He entered, took out his gun and started shooting both his wife and her colleagues at random.
Then, as if nothing had happened, he went into another building, where he started to talk casually with people.
One witness said that "only in gangster movies I saw something like this".
The same topic is on the front page in Evenimentul Zilei.
"Divorce with two dead and six wounded".
Psychologists say that Vlădan shot indiscriminately because in his mind, he believes that his wife and her colleagues are guilty of what’s happening to him.
Witnesses statements show that the attacker acted with premeditation.
He watched for the victim all day long and threatened he would shoot.
For first degree murder, Gheorghe Vlădan may take between 15 and 25 years or life imprisonment.
In România Liberă we read that our country could have energy independence as predicted yesterday the president Băsescu.
Prospecting still required to begin operation before the gas reservoir, which equals 3 to 6 times the annual consumption of Romania.
It seems clear that it will antagonize Russia, which aim to maintain advantageous position and energy dependence of the Europeans to use it as a weapon.
How affect us Romanians re-election of President Vladimir Putin?
We also, find an analysis in România Liberă.
The conclusion is that our country should be afraid of a cornered Putin.
The weaker his regime would become, the more brutal his attitude towards the West, including Romania would be.
"Until the preparatory class, between stupidity and conspiracy theory", writes Adevărul .
The computerized system of registration in the preparatory class caused problems since the first day of application.
People are unsatisfied about "the work made by Romanians" and the authorities played ping pong yesterday with the responsibility".
Meanwhile, opponents "did not miss the chance to make fun "and emphasize " terrible drama"that have been " hundreds of thousands of parents and hundreds of thousands of children, writes ironically Adevărul.
Adevărul also notices that employers pay more, but the money do not reach the employees.
Last year, labor costs increased by almost 10 per cent, while the average wage increase was only 7 per cent.
"Capital has no budget and Oprescu has to cut one billion RON" , we find out from Ziarul Financiar.
Revenues are falling and money from the past loans "melted".
General Council of Bucharest has already delayed for a month with the budget adoption and not even the public debate has not reached yet.
Unspoken explanation is that the municipal coffers will be emptied by third than last year.
Therefore, major projects will not be started and the ongoing ones will be slowed.
Translated by
Denisse-Meda Bucura
MTTLC, Bucharest University