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National Press Review, 6 July

Articles from the dailies Adevărul, Jurnalul Naţional, Evenimentul Zilei and România Liberă.

National Press Review, 6 July

Articol de Dinu Dragomirescu, 06 Iulie 2011, 16:42

41 schools all around the country have had zero graduations from high school, the Adevărul reads.

The teachers are blaming the students for not studying and the parents for not caring.

Victoria Dobrovolschi, the head master of the Ioan Slavici High School from Timişoara, says she is going to file in her resignation, in order to show the teachers that they have to be responsible.

The teacher is now asking Minister Daniel Funeriu and the director at the County School Board to resign, because, she says, they are not motivating students at all.

The Minister of Education says that high schools with zero graduation rate might be turned into vocational schools.

From the Jurnalul Naţional we read that universities are going to hold entrance exams in the autumn as well, in order to fill in all the spots.

The disaster is going to create major problems for universities, because there will be less students for tax spots.

The 90 000 graduates are competing for almost 63 000 subsidized spots at state universities and four times more tax spots, both at state and private universities.

Private universities are already planning a new entrance session.
The Evenimentul Zilei reads that the first intelligent and relevant school books will be in schools in 2013.

The first students to follow the new syllabus are going to be the ones starting a cycle: first, fifth, nineth and twelfth graders.

The new syllabus will correlate things learnt in schools with the requirements of the society.

Apart from making their work easier and the stubjects more easily understood, the new syllabus will the designed so as to meet the requirements of other EU schools.
The same daily tells us that salaries may increase due to country ratings.

Fitch Ratings have recently announced an increase in our country’s rating; among other positive effects, analysts mention cheaper credits for Romania, more foreign investors, lower interest rates for credits to companies or the population, more job vacancies and higher salaries.

The România Liberă reads: Bute’s match – a 5 million Euro deal.

On July 9, at Romexpo, in front of 9 000 people watching from the room and a few million watching on TV, Bute is going to defend his belt for the eighth time.

But putting together the Champion for Romania Gala has had tremendous costs, that authorities have not shined a light on just yet.

The Ministry of Tourism has offered 2 million Euro, VAT included, from the tourism promotion fund – of 75 million Euro – from the EU.

Transelectrica is putting in 150 000 RON, Transgazul – 400 000, and Hidroelectrica 600 000.

Translated by: Gabriela Lungu
MA Student, MTTLC, Bucharest University

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