National Press Review, 6 December
Articles from the dailies România Liberă, Jurnalul Naţional, Evenimentul zilei, Curierul Naţional.

Articol de Mirela Ursachi, 06 Decembrie 2011, 18:54
The România Liberă writes “Anti-Schengen vote in the Parliament”, adding that the negative notice given by the judicial commissions on the budget of the National Integrity Agency might have a negative impact on the European Commission’s next report on our Justice system.
The newspaper specifies the causes which have lead to this result and underlines the importance of the good functioning of the institution, which the European Commission has so much insisted on.
The Jurnalul Naţional writes “Merging of elections, set on fast forward”, referring to the bill for organising local and parliamentary elections simultaneously in 2012.
The publication provides details on the bill discussed within the governing coalition and picks up the thread of yesterdays’ statements on the possibility of the Government assuming responsibility for the document.
At the same time, the article brings to our attention the opposition’s opinion on both the coalition’s undertaking and on the way in which bill is to be promoted in the Parliament. It also points out what options the Social-Liberal Union (USL) are considering given the situation.
The Evenimentul Zilei announces “Merging of elections, to be decided until Christmas” and adds “reducing the number of members of the parliament has been postponed until next year and will require new negotiations”.
The newspaper mentions that the discussion around the Romanian electoral system might be resumed after the Democratic Liberal Party (PDL) discovered that the option already agreed upon is not to their advantage.
The Evenimentul Zilei also reveals that “A powerful earthquake is unavoidable in 2012!” The statement is attributed to head of the Unit for algorithms and models of earthquake prediction of the European Seismological Commission: George Purcaru. He presented his prediction for the Vrancea region in 2012 at a Conference on seismology last year.
The newspaper synthesises a study by seismology professor George Purcaru and presents different scenarios based on the magnitude of the potential earthquakes.
Least but not last, the Curierul Naţional announces the “Apartments – Winter Sales” and reviews the prices for apartments throughout the country.
According to the article, the prices for old apartments have dropped significantly and, within the last month the newly build homes have been resistant to this trend.
Translated by: Mihaela Melneciuc
MA Student, MTTLC, Bucharest University