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National Press Review, 30 March

Articles from the dailies Adevărul, România Liberă, Jurnalul Naţional and Evenimentul Zilei.

National Press Review, 30 March

Articol de Daniela Coman, corespondent RRA în Franța, 30 Martie 2011, 18:52

On the front page, the Adevărul brings out some information related to some of the ‘squeakers exposed by Wikilieaks’, as I quoted.

The daily reveals that there are some Romanian public figures who humiliated themselves in order to deliver some information related to their private life to the officials of the Embassy of the United States in Bucharest.

Wikileaks documents show the true face of some Romanian politicians who are greedy to look well up in and successful persons in charge of unfair things.

According to Wikileaks, the Adevărul reveals what it calls ‘ballet for Bechtel’ and points out that the Embassy of the United States has constantly pressured the Government in order to make sure that the Transylvania Highway will be financed.

The conclusion, ‘the original sin of the contract and political games delayed the work on the highway’.

According to the same news brought out by Wikileaks, the România Liberă reports that ‘on June, 2005, Americans were afraid of that the struggle between Traian Băsescu and Dinu Patriciu would have an impact on the businessman’s case’.

The Embassy of the United States warns, ‘Do not turn Patriciu’s case into some sort of Yukos’ as it refers to the Russian businessman, Mihail Hodorcovski, who has been in jail for eight years, and to the fact that him being punished meant that Vladimir Putin took revenge.

‘Wikileaks Romania gets back to Teo Peter’s case: Traian Băsescu promised that the one responsible for the accident would not be imprisoned in Romania’, the Jurnalul Naţional front page headlines.

The document was considered ‘private’ and Embassy’s businessman delivered it to Washington, outlining that the car accident had been widely broadcast and stirred people up in Romania.

The same daily reveals that three officials from the National Council for the Study of the Securitate Archives complained to the American Embassy about that over one thousand files of the Communist Security Archive had been destroyed and about that they did not have access to over one hundred files that were in possession of both the Romanian Intelligence Service and the Foreign Intelligence Service.

A full page in the Jurnalul naţional reveals information about that the National Anticorruption Directorate head, Daniel Morar, used to regularly inform the Embassy of the United States.

Among others, Morar used to inform the Americans about the bomb cases that the National Anticorruption Directorate was going to bring onto the market.

The Gândul writes about the concern of the Embassy of the United States for the Alliance ‘DA’ but also about the main partners of the Americans among the Alliance’s politicians.

‘What kind of a country is Romania?’, is the headline under which the Evenimentul Zilei brings out an interview with the academician Dinu G. Giurăscu who has mentioned the reasons for which he wrote his latest book.

In the volume ‘Arhitectura Bucureştilor încotro?’ the historian tried to depict the last decade urban drift of Bucharest.

‘Bucharest architecture naturally developed until the Second World War. Nobody came to distort it. That development was interrupted when the communist regime decided that an urban systematization was necessary; it was the first great political and ideological agent that influenced the development of the city.’

‘Recently, has come up the age of modern high-rises. Where are we heading for? I counted twenty six high-rises whose building had been authorized. There are some buildings already existing and others will be built in the future. Actually, if there is someone who wants to turn Bucharest into a forest then let him do so. But make sure that inhabitants in Bucharest can use the buildings, too.’

‘Some insurance, law, consulting or construction companies are not trying to build a city or an urban settlement. It’s nonsense. I’ve noticed that there are too many real estate companies and I believe that there will come a time when they should agree with me’, the historian Dinu C. Giurăscu asserted for the Evenimentul Zilei.

Translated by: Cristina Anamaria Maricescu
MA student, MTTLC, Bucharest University

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