National Press Review, 22 September
Articles from the dailies Ziarul Financiar, Curierul Naţional, România Liberă, Adevărul, Jurnalul Naţional and Evenimentul Zilei.

22 Septembrie 2011, 18:29
In the Ziarul Financiar we read that the future is foggy. “Without European funds, mission impossible for the next year’s deficit” which needs to be kept under 3 percent. The most important means of support for economic growth is represented by the European Union resources, according to specialists. So far, however, the absorption rate is the lowest in the Union.
“The Government will be reshuffled in October”, sources from inside the government majority whispered to the Evenimentul Zilei reporters. ”Five ministers will be sacrificed on the altar of Government confidence issues and political and electoral calculations.”
In the article you can read who are the ones who are saying goodbye, for which reasons and which are the possible replacements.
We learn from the Curierul Naţional “what we will lose if we do not enter the Schengen area” . The most affected people would be the investors, exporters and transporters, who had hoped to escape the huge queues at the customs and the 50 lei bribe given by each person passing through a certain state so that their luggage is not checked.
“How did Vântu’s tanks arrive in Jakarta as bribe?” The România Liberă recovers the complicated pathway of the millions of euros which were dilapidated and drove around in a suitcase from the former Petromservice, controlled by Liviu Luca and Sorin Ovidiu Vântu. From the pages of the newspaper we learn that one of the prosecutors„ tracks shows that the money would be enough, at Vântu’s orders, in Indonesia, to save Nicolae Popa from extradition, as he was condemned in Romania for robbing the FNI.
”A new auto licenses factory, closed in Argeş", announces the Adevărul. The police found a group of counterfeiters who obtained a very successful document after the recipe: a computer and a few printers, special sheets, special stamps and of course, 1000 smart drivers who wouldn’t make the effort of actually learning the legislation.
The Jurnalul Naţional warns the ones who are used to checking the mobile phone of their wife or husband that, according to the new Civil Code, this is a form of domestic violence.
In the Jurnalul we also learn that the price of meat will increase with 10 percent by the end of the year following the increase of the fuel prices and also the growth of the “gray” market.
And we conclude with the scandal which has heated spirits in the first football league: the charts arranged behind the scenes.
The Evenimentul Zilei reads that the price of the champion title amounts to 2 million euros for the referees. The accusations go even farther, but the evidence is missing and the Romanian Football Federation and the Professional Football League have already dodged their responsibility, the Evenimentul notes.
Translated by: Manuela Stancu
MA Student, MTTLC, Bucharest