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National electricity production increased by 400 Megawatts

National electricity production increased by 400 Megawatts

Articol de Radio România Actualităţi, 15 Iulie 2024, 15:54

The national electricity production has been increased by 400 Megawatts, amid high consumption in the recent period. The measure was announced by the minister in charge, Sebastian Burduja, after a meeting of the energy sector committee convened to avoid major blackouts due to the heatwave.

The high temperatures are also overloading the distribution grid in Romania, but the energy minister says the national power system is secure and there is no question of widespread outages. RRA reporter Alex Avram followed the Transelectrica ministerial committee meeting and the minister's statements. "Indeed, following the meeting of the Ministerial Committee for the Energy Sector, Energy Minister Sebastian Burduja said that although we are going through a difficult period in terms of temperatures, there is no risk at this time of major breakdowns leading to significant power outages.

He also said that some interventions on the electricity grid have been postponed precisely in order to ensure that it is fully operational. With regard to electricity prices, the minister said that the access we have to imported energy is a factor that improves prices, but it is normal for them to increase during peak consumption in the evening, given the high demand due to extreme temperatures, but also the fact that we lose electricity production from photovoltaic panels in the evening and at night.

The public is therefore advised by the authorities to use the electricity installation judiciously and not to use high power domestic consumers during peak summer consumption."

Translated by: Radu Matei

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