MPs increase penalties for several offences

Articol de Radio România Actualităţi, 28 Mai 2024, 13:42
MPs have increased the penalties for several offences and have introduced other offences into the scope of criminal law. For example, those who terrorise their neighbours, or put pressure of any kind on them to sell their homes, risk four years in prison. This is one of the provisions included in the two draft laws amending the Penal Code, which received a favourable vote in plenary today and will now go to Cotroceni for promulgation.
Catalin Purcaru has the details: "Employees of town halls who issue false authorisations attesting that there are more than 15.000 inhabitants in the localities they administer, risk prison sentences of six months to three years. The offence is also foreseen for the owners of gambling halls, which operate on the basis of false certificates.
The law clearly states that gambling halls are prohibited in municipalities with fewer than 15.000 inhabitants. Currently the term administrative-territorial units exists, these are interpreted as counties, so the legislation can be bypassed.
Amendments to the Penal Code also criminalise the act of preventing the normal use of the dwelling by the right holder, with a penalty of up to five years' imprisonment. MEPs also adopted increased penalties for the offences of trafficking in human beings and minors, slavery and child pornography. These can be up to 12 years' imprisonment, without the possibility of suspended execution under supervision, and up to 20 years if minors are involved. Both laws will be sent to the President for promulgation."
Translated by: Radu Matei