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Ministry of National Defense: Romania's airspace is well defended

Ministry of National Defense: Romania's airspace is well defended
Foto: Petruța Dinu.

Articol de Radiojurnal, 11 Septembrie 2024, 22:19

Senators from the Defense Committee and representatives of the Ministry of National Defense discussed Wednesday in Parliament the need to amend legislation that would allow the military to annihilate drones entering Romanian territory.

The debate comes after several Russian drones have illegally entered Romanian airspace over the past year in the context of the border war.

According to RRA reporter Petruta Dinu, the MPs asked the Defense Ministry representatives for legislative clarifications on drones, believing that it is necessary for the laws to be adopted as soon as possible in Parliament.

Senate Defense Committee Chair Nicoleta Pauliuc: We all agreed that a Russian drone penetrating the airspace at a distance of about 40 km for a period of 40 minutes can be considered a vulnerability in the context of the lack of current legislation. We talked about the urgency of adopting draft laws that would allow the Ministry of Defense to carry out their missions, about the need for the Ministry of Defense, through the government, to come to parliament and have these draft laws in urgent procedure.

Ministry of National Defense spokesman Constantin Spinu gave assurances that airspace is well defended at the moment.

However, improvements are needed to the legislation in this area, noting that the package of laws on national security is in the process of being approved. It will be adopted in Government and then sent to Parliament.

Constantin Spinu: The legislation we are operating with is a 2001 legislation. We have very clear rules to gradually intervene against piloted aircraft. In the framework of drones, for the time being, we can act when an intentional attack, a hostile act against the territory of Romania or NATO is planned.

Translated by: Radu Matei

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