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Mihai Răzvan Ungureanu, FIS head, appointed Prime Minister

President Băsescu appointed the head of Foreign Intelligence Services to form a new government. Mihai Răzvan Ungureanu said that he assumes “consciously this great responsibility".

Mihai Răzvan Ungureanu, FIS head, appointed Prime Minister
Mihai Răzvan Ungureanu was appointed by the President to form a new executive Photo: Agerpres.

Articol de Paul Poteraşi, 08 Februarie 2012, 21:10

After consultation meetings with political parties, President Traian Băsescu announced that Prime Minister designated by him to form a new government is the head of Foreign Intelligence Services Mihai Răzvan Ungureanu.

Aged of 43, Mihai Răzvan Ungureanu was appointed as a head of Foreign Intelligence Services in November 2007, by president Băsescu.

In his first speech as Prime Minister designated, Mihai Răzvan Ungureanu said that "his political independence" would ensure "space to fulfill his mandate".

Taking over the presentation message of the president, the appointed prime minister said that his essential priority is "economic and political stability in România".

"It's a big responsibility that I consciously assume both the difficulty of this post and especially the delicate context where we are.

"I have experience of institutions under my seats were modernized and became efficient - Romanian Foreign Ministry and Foreign Intelligence Services", said the appointed Prime Minister.

President Traian Băsescu appointed a new Prime Minister after the today morning's resignation of the cabinet led by Emil Boc.

Boc government resignation came after several weeks of protests in Bucharest and other cities in Romania. Protesters denounced government austerity measures imposed by Boc government and demanded the resignation of President Băsescu, Prime Minister and the snap elections.

"Right Choices"

Mihai Razvan Ungureanu said on Tuesday morning he will start coalition talks with the parties to develop an agenda for governance and "identification of the best team cabinet".

"I will form the government that needs strong parliamentary support, needs confidence of Romania people, needs a direction that can only come from a political view," said the appointed Prime Minister.

Mihai Răzvan Ungureanu added that his ideological options were always right.

He was a member of LNP in 2004 and Liberal foreign minister between December 2004 and February 2007.

Consultations short, quick appointment

After consultation meetings with the parliamentary parties, President Traian Băsescu said that political leaders outlined two options: either early elections, the version supported by opposition or appoint a new prime minister “to ensure stability of the country" version supported by the government coalition that also formed Boc government , LDP-DUHR-NUPR.

"We chose coalition," said the president, who argued that the option of early elections, according to the constitution, the process would have spread "over a period of five months."

"Romania cannot afford a period of instability of such time", said President Traian Băsescu.

"I think a government should mark a new beginning placed on the success of the previous government on macro-economic stabilization of the country, “ said Traian Băsescu.

"On this basis, the new government's priority is an effort to gradually restore the living standards of Romanians who withstood hard the bill of macroeconomic rebalancing process of the country", the president added.

President Traian Băsescu said that he thanked to the outgoing Prime Minister Emil Boc for his commitment to public service, noting that, although he was not "a perfect prime minister, he leaves the country in growth and ready to face a new economic crisis possible."

Opposition do not vote on Mihai Răzvan Ungureanu

After announcement of the appointment, opposition leaders said they would not participate in the validation procedure, of a possible cabinet formed by Mihai Răzvan Ungureanu.

The Liberal leader Crin Antonescu said the "president is lying" he said that early elections would take five months. DSP President Victor Ponta stated that he proposed the president a variant seen in other countries that undergoing economic and political crisis, such as Portugal, Spain and Ireland and held elections.

"We came up with examples of democratic countries, not with Russian-type solutions", said opposition leaders, referring to the fact that a head of FIS is appointed prime minister on the model Vladimir Putin in Russia.

Crin Antonescu said "is not right" that in a democratic country a head of FIS joins politics, and argued that Mihai Răzvan Ungureanu " has no longer any connection with National Liberal Party".

Resignation "for relief"

PM Emil Boc announced his resignation on Monday at the morning meeting government stating that "he submitted the government mandate to alleviate social and political situation".

"We made tough decisions in the last year, but during times of crisis government does not participate in a popularity contest", said the prime minister.

Emil Boc said his government provided economic stability reflected in what he called economic growth more than the EU average, low inflation, unemployment rate below than the EU average and a deficit budget under control.

After Prime Minister submitted the government mandate that he led, President Traian Băsescu nominated Cătălin Predoiu to fill the position of interim Prime Minister, to fulfill the duties of the Prime Minister, until the new government is formed.

Cătălin Predoiu is not a party member and has held the portfolio of Justice in several governments.

After Prime Minister Emil Boc announced on Monday that he would submit government mandate to alleviate social and political situation, President Traian Băsescu turned the consultation meetings that were to take place Monday with the theme of stability in the EU Treaty, the political dialogue in the country and functioning of parliament in consultations on forming a new executive.

Parties forming the current coalition government said after consultation meetings they want the appointment of a new prime minister, while the Liberal Social Union leaders said they would not vote any appointed prime minister and wanted early elections.

Translated by Denisse-Meda Bucura
MA Student, MTTLC, Bucharest University

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