Medical warning regarding post-COVID sequelae

Articol de Radio România Actualităţi, 29 Noiembrie 2021, 03:35
Post-COVID sequelae can follow recovering patients for a longer period of time, doctors warn.
Whether they have had a severe or mild form, those who have gone through the disease should carefully monitor their vital functions.
The pulmonologist Noemi Porojan Suppini coordinates the functional exploration laboratory at the Victor Babes Hospital in Timisoara.
Noemi Porojan Suppini: First, there is home monitoring. It consists in performing pulse oximetry, practically measuring the oxygen saturation on the finger, respectively blood pressure, heart rate, so basically the vital parameters. Then there would be this more complex assessment, because in some cases, after the disease, certain damage can occur to several organs, such as cardiac, neurological and especially lung damage.
Host: For COVID patients who have been hospitalized, doctors recommend a first check-up after 30 days of discharge, and then, depending on their health, at 3 months, 6 months and one year.
Translated by: Radu Matei