Marathon of events at the Gaudeamus Radio Romania Book Fair

Articol de Angela Cerven, 10 Decembrie 2022, 16:55
At the Gaudeamus Radio Romania Book Fair, events take place specifically for the benefit of literature lovers.
"The Invisibles" is the title of a volume launched today by writer Ioana Parvulescu.
It is the author's first work for children and it is about the enchantment of books. The author herself told us a few words about the purpose of her writing.
Ioana Parvulescu: I also try, through my modest contribution, to make the children read, to offer them a story with suspense, a story which has - I say - a mixture of reality and fiction just enough for them to recognize themselves in the character in the book.
At this time, the book and the CD "What would a poet know about life?" are being launched at the Radio Romania event stand at the Gaudeamus Book Fair.
The work includes 62 poems chosen and spoken by Dan Sociu, present at the event.
The fair at Romexpo runs until tomorrow and entry is free.
Translated by: Radu Matei