Ludovic Orban announces that his party will contest any attempt to merge European parliamentary elections with local elections

Articol de Carmen Vulcan, Sibiu, 27 Ianuarie 2024, 19:38
RADIO ROMANIA NEWS (January 27) - Producer: Nicoleta Turcu - The President of the Right Fortitude Party, Ludovic Orban, announced today that his party will appeal to the Constitutional Court any law that would lead to the merging of the European parliamentary elections with the local ones, a variant that would be analyzed in the governing coalition. Ludovic Orban explained in Sibiu that such a law would be unconstitutional and undemocratic.
Ludovic Orban: It can't even be constitutional, because according to the Constitution, the term of office of local elected representatives is a minimum of 4 years. The local elections took place on 27 September 2020, so the mandate expires after they are sworn in. Up until October 15, that's pretty much how many people were sworn in, so you can't take office earlier than October 15.
Reporter: In the opinion of the leader of the Right's Force, the only elections that could be merged without violating the Constitution would be the presidential and parliamentary elections, reports Radio Romania News correspondent Carmen Vulcan.
Translated by: Radu Matei