King Mihai, 91st aniversary in London
The sovereign attends a number of events on the occasion of his 91 years of age and 75 years of receiving the Royal Victorian Order in Grade of Grand Cross.

Articol de Dan Vasiliu, corespondent RRA în Marea Britanie, 08 Noiembrie 2012, 11:10
King Mihai I of Romania is celebrated in London, shortly after he turned 91 years.
The sovereign will attend a series of events to celebrate this occasion, but also reaches 75 years of receiving the Royal Victorian Order.
King Mihai has scheduled Wednesday, two events.
First, he will meet with the Lord Mayor of London, who manages the financial district.
Then, the sovereign, accompanied by Princess Margaret, Prince Radu, Princess Elena and her daughter, Elisabeta Carina , will attend a dinner party organized by the corporations of London.
On Thursday, when King Mihai will celebrate his name day, will attend a religious service, which will take place in the Chapel Royal, Savoy, the Royal Victorian Order, and which will be headed by Queen Elizabeth II' s chaplain, the Reverend Galloway.
The event is occasioned by the fulfillment of 75 years of receiving the Royal Victorian Order in Grade of Grand Cross, King Mihai to be the first sovereign foreigner whose coat of arms is sat in the chapel of the Order.
The ceremony will be followed by an official dinner, at which they will participate, along with the Royal family of Romania, and the Duke and Duchess of Glouchester, as representatives of Queen Elizabeth II.
Translated by
Denisse-Meda Bucura