K. Hunor: The state must reform and the government must take all promised measures

Articol de Petruţa Smântână, 25 Martie 2025, 14:46
The State must reform itself and the Government must take all the promised measures, including those to reduce the budget deficit, UDMR President Kelemen Hunor said in a TV interview last night.
He gave assurances that restructuring will continue, after ministries, with subordinate agencies and all other government structures, until the end of the year.
Moreover, the executive will have to consider new tax changes from next year, Kelemen Hunor added.
Kelemen Hunor: At the earliest, in 2026, we can talk about a new Tax Code or a rethink of the Tax Code. We have to pay the debts, around 50 billion a year, which is a lot, and of course we have to sustain this 7% deficit. That means borrowing and economic growth, that's what it can be sustained from. We have to reform the state and the relationship of the state to the citizen and to the business area, but this is our bet. However, we have 6-7 years at our disposal, that means a realignment. I don't want us to go back under the authority of the International Monetary Fund, that must be avoided. /.../ it would be catastrophic for Romania.
Translated by: Radu Matei