Iohannis: Romania strongly opposes all forms of terrorism
Klaus Iohannis believes that EU and League of Arab States need to work together for greater economic integration.

Articol de Oana Bâlă, 25 Februarie 2019, 22:04
Romania strongly opposes all forms of violent extremism, and cooperation between the European Union and the League of Arab States is vital in the fight against terrorism, says President Klaus Iohannis.
Head of State attended on Sunday the first European Union-League of Arab States summit, held in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt.
RRA Reporter Oana Bâlă: "President Klaus Iohannis said at the first plenary session of the summit that a strong partnership is needed between the EU and the League of Arab States, in order to find common solutions to current issues such as migration, radicalization and terrorism, but also to address medium and long-term challenges such as climate change, sustainable development and job creation.
Klaus Iohannis: "Romania strongly opposes all forms of terrorism and violent extremism. We should focus on prioritizing their root causes. Key elements in this regard are development of resilience and increased cooperation".
On the other hand, Klaus Iohannis believes that economy is the engine of positive transformation, and EU and League of Arab States need to work together for greater economic integration".