Investments under the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary
In Şuncuiuş, Bihor County, Romania, there will be a new route alongside the caves, a School of nature and an Information Center.

Articol de Sergiu Şteţ, 12 Februarie 2018, 15:40
Counties of Bihor (Romania) and neighboring Békés (Hungary) will start, next month, a project worth one million euros, available under the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary (ROHU) Program, as it has been announced on Monday in Békéscsaba.
Total value of this project for the management of Cross-Border Natural Heritage is 1.1 million euros, out of which 630,000 euros will be used by the Criş-Mureș (Koros-Maros, HU) National Park (KMNP) in Békés County - Romanian Press Agency RADOR announces, taking over from Hungarian Press Agency MTI that quotes Tivadar Orosz, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Békés County.
At Szarvas, in the Crişuri Valley Zoo Park, KMNP will build a new educational center on 240 square meters, and by enclosing an area of 750 square meters of land, quality food will be provided for the cattle that are being taken care of, on a surface of 167 hectares.
In Bihor County, in the area of Şuncuiuş, there will be a new School of nature and an Information Center.
There will also be a new route aiming to popularize the caves in the area, said Mihai Fechetea, President of the Don Orione Charity Foundation in Romania, lead beneficiary of this project.
Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Program (ROHU)carries on the financing of cross-border cooperation initiatives in the Romanian-Hungarian border area, with the support of European Union, through European Regional Development Fund, and with the contribution of the Governments of both Romania and Hungary. The Program will be implemented during 2014–2020 programming period.
Source:RRA.Translated by Miruna Matei