Interim President says he wants to restore citizens' trust in public institutions

Articol de Oana Bâlă, 13 Februarie 2025, 23:02
Acting President Ilie Bolojan delivered today his first public message since taking office. He assured all citizens that Romania is a safe, stable and strong country, anchored on its European path. He also promised that he would take all the necessary steps to organize fair presidential elections.
Reporter: Interim President Ilie Bolojan says that he assumes his office with dignity and says that between yesterday and today he held discussions with those in charge and familiarized himself with the pressing problems and needs in the fields of defense, foreign affairs and national security. He also presented the priorities of his mandate.
Ilie Bolojan: First of all, ensuring the country's economic, social and political stability. We have no time to lose and the risk of a major crisis is real. Another major level is foreign policy. Our country will be well represented abroad, with dignity and seriousness. The upcoming presidential elections are also an important issue. I send a clear message to all Romanians: we will have fair and transparent elections!
On the other hand, Romania's interim president said he wants to restore citizens' trust in public institutions.
Ilie Bolojan: For all of us in the public services, wherever we work, there is no alternative but to be at the service of the people and I expect every institution and every employee to work for the citizens. My goal as interim president is to restore confidence in public institutions and at the end of this period to be able to look you in the eye, knowing that I have worked in your interest and convinced that I have acted with integrity, dignity and care for Romanians.
Ilie Bolojan took over on Wednesday from former Romanian President Klaus Iohannis as interim president.
Translated by: Radu Matei