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Informal meeting of European Foreign Ministers in Bucharest

On Agenda: Venezuelan political crisis, Syrian conflict and Eastern Partnership.

Informal meeting of European Foreign Ministers in Bucharest
Romanian Foreign Minister Teodor Meleșcanu. Photo: Agerpres.

Articol de Carmen Gavrilă, 01 Februarie 2019, 22:28

Bucharest hosted, for two days, an informal two-day meeting of EU Foreign Ministers, in the context of Romania's EU Council Presidency. On Thursday, in the first working session, Heads of EU diplomacies discussed current foreign policy issues on the European and international agenda, such as Venezuelan political crisis, Syrian conflict and Eastern Partnership.

RRA Reporter Carmen Gavrilă: Eastern Partnership is a topic of interest, promoted by Romania, especially since it is 10 years now since the format was established, and Romania wants the EU to keep its attention on the eastern neighborhood, at least to the extent that the EU is now doing for the Western Balkans, where there are prospects for accession. In fact, according to Romanian diplomatic sources, Bucharest would want to obtain, by the end of Romania’s EU Presidency, a clearer European perspective for the Western Balkan countries.

As far as Syria is concerned, Romania's position was and remains the same: European Union, as reflected in the priorities of Romania’s EU Presidency, must emphasize its role as a global actor, and that also means making it more visible in Syria, which implies involvement in post-conflict reconstruction efforts before final formulation of Syria's future political system.

Security situation in Syria is complicated by withdrawal of American troops announced by President Trump, and this poses a problem of possible European economic involvement, with support for reconstruction. What is certain is that a new conference on Syria is now being prepared in Brussels for the coming period.

Source:RRA.Translated by Miruna Matei

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