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Government budget for 2012 adopted by Parliament

With 239 votes for and 168 against, the Parliament adopted the draft government budget for 2012. None of the amendments rejected by the government budget committees did pass the plenary vote.

Government budget for 2012 adopted by Parliament
The Romanian Parliament. Photograph: Agerpres.

Articol de Ionuţ Dragu, 16 Decembrie 2011, 12:59

The Parliament adopted the draft government budget for 2012, with 239 votes for and 168 against.

The draft was adopted in its original form and none of the 25 amendments that were rejected in the sections was approved.

The Opposition participated in the vote and boycotted the plenary session for government accountability.

On Wednesday, the Parliament debated the draft government budget, article by article.

The Opposition’s amendments were rejected and this made the USL representatives to accuse the government of lack of vision and interest in the people’s welfare.

"You have passed a budget for 2012, a budget of fear and poverty. You have ve done nothing but to be the executioners of Romania."

"The Opposition has made 9 000 amendments. You have accepted no amendment. This is the collaboration between the PDL and the opposition," said deputy Mircea Duşa from the Social Democratic Party (PSD).

Pensions and salaries will not increase

The government budget for 2012 was built based on an estimated growth of 2.1 percent in 2012 and a deficit target of 1.9 percent of GDP.

The draft budget provides no increase in taxes, but also no increase in pensions and salaries in 2012.

The Opposition says that in this way the austerity measures imposed on the population are being continued.

On the other hand, the Minister of Labour, Sulfina Barbu, says that the budget for 2012 is a responsible one.

Translated by: Denisse-Meda Bucura
MA Student, MTTLC, Bucharest University

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