Gaudeamus book fair - Radio Romania. Second day

Articol de Radio România Actualităţi, 23 Noiembrie 2023, 13:42
The Gaudeamus - Radio Romania book fair, the longest-running event of its kind in the country, opened its doors yesterday, again, at the Romexpo Central Pavilion, in the Capital.
Until Sunday, inclusive, visitors are greeted with a rich offer, discounts of up to 50% and releases with authors from the country and abroad.
Angela Cerven gives us more information about today's proposals.
Today, the second edition of the book-album "Conversations in the foyer" will be released, which is accompanied by a compact disc.
The volume dedicated to the tenor Nicolae Taranu will be presented from 16:00 at the Radio Romania stand. The author is Sanda Taranu.
Sanda Taranu: I found some photos, some chronicles of music critics, well-known names. I made the second edition, because after seven years I found other articles that were published abroad about him, but also in the country. All the characters - reporters, editors, music columnists, his colleagues, directors, conductors - and, in addition to all of them, the audience is not bypassed. The public must be part of this whole story, it cannot be done without them. Then, I named it "Conversations between everyone in a theater, in a foyer".
The second day of the Gaudeamus Fair includes launches, debates, a reading marathon, a poetry recital and workshops.
The day's program also includes the book launches "Reading adventure. Selected Essays" by Virginia Woolf or "Carols and Vigil Gifts" by Monica Pillat.
There will also be, among others, a debate entitled "The digital book and the knowledge society" and a RADOR brand reading marathon.
Public access is free, between 10:00 and 20:00.
Translated by: Radu Matei