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Foreign Minister Luminita Odobescu attends the International Security Conference in Munich

Foreign Minister Luminita Odobescu attends the International Security Conference in Munich
Foto: Arhivă.

Articol de Sergiu Şteţ, 16 Februarie 2024, 21:44

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luminita Odobescu, is participating until Sunday in the International Security Conference in Munich, one of the topics she will address being the threats in Romania's neighbourhood, informs the MFA, quoted by Agerpres.

In the thematic sessions of the meeting, the minister will present Romania's assessments of current security threats, especially those in the neighbourhood. Odobescu will highlight the deteriorating security situation in the Black Sea region caused by Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine and will encourage NATO allies to increase their presence in Romania as part of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation's response to Euro-Atlantic security threats.

She will also refer to the importance of the NATO Summit in 2024 in adapting the Alliance to the multiple and growing threats in the security environment. In this context, the Minister will present Romania's contributions to ensuring Euro-Atlantic and international security, 20 years after joining NATO.

Luminita Odobescu will reconfirm Romania's support for Ukraine's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity and will highlight the multidimensional support given to this country. She will also underline the need to continue providing strong support to the Republic of Moldova in order to counter pressures on its stability.

Odobescu will also reaffirm the importance of coordination between NATO and the EU in support of the rules-based international order, with transatlantic unity being to the mutual benefit of Europe and the US as a guarantee of freedom, liberal order, prosperity, in the context of growing threats from authoritarian power centres.

The Munich International Conference is one of the most prestigious security forums, bringing together key security and defence leaders, and decision-makers. Since its first edition in 1963 as the 'Internationale Wehrkunde-Begegnung', it has been an important landmark in European and Euro-Atlantic security debates. The event is also distinguished by informal debates and exchanges on topical and forward-looking issues.

The 2024 agenda includes topics relevant to current security developments, with a focus on international security threats posed by Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine, transatlantic cooperation, European defence, security challenges in other areas, developments in multilateral relations, ongoing crises and conflicts, new security challenges.

Translated by: Radu Matei

Etichete : luminita odobescu mfa
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