Events dedicated to the Union of Romanian Principalities, in Focsani

Articol de Gabriel Sava, 23 Ianuarie 2022, 17:17
Events dedicated to the Union of the Romanian Principalities began today in several cities in the country. Religious services being held in Focsani, Vrancea County, and a mini-recital scheduled for the evening.
Union Square, a symbolic name for the people of Focsani, hosted today the first events dedicated to the event of January 24, 1859, when the Union of the two Principalities, Moldova and Wallachia, was realized.
The soldiers of the Focsani Garrison announced the organization of an exhibition of military equipment inside the Union Square between 10:00 and 15:00, where those interested were able to admire part of the weapons used by the Romanian Army.
Several cultural, artistic, sporting and commemorative events are scheduled for January 24th, the first of which being the sixth edition of the Union Marathon.
From the first hours of the morning, the eight participants will be "caught in the Hora of the Union", after which, in the chords of the National Anthem, they will leave on a route that involves crossing the former border between the two principalities, represented by the Milcov River.
Translated by: Radu Matei