Europe "is in one of its toughest hour"
German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that the current generation was facing a "historic test", which was to prove that Europe could overcome the financial crisis.

Articol de Ioana Dogaru, 15 Noiembrie 2011, 11:47
German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that the current generation was facing
a "historic test", which was to prove that Europe could overcome the financial crisis.
“Europe is in one of its toughest, perhaps the toughest hour since World War Two”,
German Chancellor Angela Merkel warned on Monday , according to AFP.
Attending the congress of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), the German
chancellor pleaded for "more Europe" and for an economy "in the service of citizens", as
a response to the turmoil derived from the debt crisis.
"Every generation has its political challenge", said Angela Merkel.
The German Chancellor pointed out that the generation of the post-war chancellor
Konrad Adenauer built Europe and that the Chancellor Helmut Kohl built the German
and European unity.
According to Chancellor Merkel, the current generation is facing a "historic test", which
is to prove that Europe can overcome this financial crisis.
"The euro is more than a currency. It is the symbol of Europe's unification. It is the
symbol for half a century of freedom and peace", said Angela Merkel, the leader of
the CDU for 11 years and Chancellor of Germany since 2005.
Translated by: Denisse-Meda Bucura
MA Student, MTTLC, Bucharest University