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EU report on working conditions and worker satisfaction

The European Commission has this week made public the findings of the latest flash Eurobarometer survey on employees' views on working conditions.

EU report on working conditions and worker satisfaction

Articol de Radio România Internaţional, 26 Aprilie 2014, 12:00

A recent Eurobarometer survey on how the crisis has affected the quality of work in the European Union has revealed that over half of Romanians, namely 55%, believe that working conditions have deteriorated in the last five years.

The number is below the EU average of 57%, Romania ranking among the EU Member States with the poorest perception of working conditions.

Nearly two thirds of Romanians see current working conditions as poor, against an EU average of 46%.

Meanwhile, 75% of Romanians expressed satisfaction with the current working hours and the balance between professional and personal life.

55% of the Romanian respondents also mentioned they had been informed over the past year about changes in work organization and working conditions.

Stress was commonly identified as the most important health and safety risk at work, followed by tiring or painful positions or repetitive movements.

At EU level, 80% of the employees are overall very pleased with their working hours as well as with the way in which their health and safety are protected at work.

Nevertheless there are huge differences between the member states.

Whereas 94% of the employees in Denmark are greatly satisfied with working conditions, merely 38% can say the same in Greece.

Austria and Belgium also have high levels of satisfaction among their employees.

The European Commission says that several factors can account for such big differences in satisfaction levels, such as the social and economic context influenced by the crisis, but also features linked to social dialogue, social policies or labor law, which may be stronger or weaker depending on national situations across the EU.

“Good working conditions, including a healthy and safe environment, are often associated with high worker motivation, creativity and commitment, leading ultimately to high levels of productivity”, reads a press release of the European Commission.

On April 28, the Commission will hold a conference on working conditions.

Trade unions, employers’ organizations and policymakers at European and national level are invited to reflect upon and take common initiatives to support working conditions and job quality, which is essential in order to meet the goals of the Europe 2020 strategy.

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