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Eric Stewart at the Romanian Ministry of Defense

President of American-Romanian Business Council (AMRO), Eric Stewart, pays visit at the Headquarters of the Romanian Defense Ministry.

Eric Stewart at the Romanian Ministry of Defense
Romanian Minister of National Defense, Gabriel Leș

15 Mai 2019, 13:51

Romanian National Defense Minister, Gabriel Leş, has received the President of the American-Romanian Business Council (AMRO), Eric Stewart, on May 15, at the Headquarters of the National Defense Ministry.

Discussions underlined the excellent relations between the two countries in the field of security and defense. Development of the Strategic Partnership with the United States remains an important objective of the Romanian Government, since "this proves to be essential in order to respond effectively to the challenges posed by the regional and international security context", Minister Leş said.

Taking into account that 2019 is the third consecutive year in which the defense budget benefits from two percent of the Gross Domestic Product, Minister of National Defense expressed hope that there would be new opportunities for cooperation, and that American investments in the Romanian defense industry would expand and enlarge, Romanian Ministry of Defense states in a press release.

Minister Leş also appreciated the AMRO initiative regarding organization of the second Romania-US Defense Forum, after the last one which took place in 2018 and was also attended by Republic of Moldova.

Another topic on the agenda was increased collaboration in the field of industrial cooperation at EU level. Minister Leş said it would be important to involve US companies as much as possible in the construction of the new European industrial defense architecture.

Source:RRA.Translated by Miruna Matei

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