EP President A. Tajani: Romania and Italy have many things in common
European Parliament President, Antonio Tajani, welcomes the similarities between Romania and Italy and the fact that both countries share European values.

Articol de Elena Postelnicu, Corespondent RRA în Italia, 11 Iulie 2017, 14:01
European Parliament President, Antonio Tajani, welcomes the similarities between Romania and Italy and the fact that both countries share European values.
Tajani met yesterday with the the Romanian Ambassador to Rome, George Bologan, and offered an exclusive interview to RRA Press Correspondent Elena Postelnicu:
Antonio Tajani: It was an evening that strengthened the friendship between Italy and Romania, a beautiful meeting where the values that unite Europe, which unite our countries that share Latin origins, have also been highlighted. We have many things in common. I think it will work very well in the years to come. Romania is a country with a clear look towards Europe, always respecting the rules. As President of the European Parliament, this can only please me.
Today, the President of the European Parliament will have a meeting in Brussels with the Romanian Prime Minister, Mihai Tudose.
Source:RRA.Translated by Miruna Matei