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Employer associationss required to maintain payment exemptions

The President of the General Union of Romanian industrialists 1903, Cezar Coraci, urges the government to maintain the payment exemptions from social contributions for the temporary unemployment.

Employer associationss required to maintain payment exemptions
UGIR president, Cezar Coraci Photo: Agerpres

Articol de Iulian Olescu, 05 Februarie 2011, 10:27

Employer associations’ representatives have warned Premiere Boc that if the validity of the provisions regarding the exemption from social contributions during temporary unemployment is not extended, more companies could be closed.

The President of the General Union of Romanian industrialists 1903, Cezar Coraci, said that only if the chemical reduced activity by 25 percent, twenty thousand people would risk losing their jobs as a consequence.

During the talks from the Ministry of finance the employer associations have presented the Prime Minister a number of issues they faced, and the chief executive has decided that, given the many issues raised, in the next period are to be organized sectoral meetings on issues such as: energy, agriculture, structural funds and attracting small business, reducing all taxes, the deduction of losses resulting from the application of the minimum tax or flexible labor laws - are just some of the measures proposed by these employer associations’ organizations.

Cezar Coraci, stated at the end of the meeting, that patrons have presented the Premiere the negative effects that might be produced by the non-renewal of exemption from the regulation of social contributions in the case of temporary unemployment, but also that in their view, the state is one that blocks the absorption of EU funds, for example the VAT non-refoulement.

The Prime Minister said, however, that the main problem in accessing the structural funds and of cohesion is still the fact that many projects are non-bankable.

Emil Boc added that if the measures which have been taken so far to revive the economy produce the desired effect, the Government will consider reducing the social security contributions in the second half of this year.

Translated by Iulia Florescu
MA Student, MTTLC student, Bucharest University

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