Elevated passing at the National Assessment 2013
The rate of this year's National Assessment was more than ten percent more than in 2012, when promoted 66,21% of students who attended at the exams.
01 Iulie 2013, 09:02
Promotion rate nationally is over 77% at the National Assessment , ten percent more than last year-said Ministry of Education, after showing the first results.
In the capital, 90% of students took notes larger than or equal to 5 to Romanian Language and Maths, more than 80%. Maximum grades in both disciplines have earned 87 students.
Those dissatisfied can file appeals today, until 22: 00, and the final results will be posted on the 3rd of July.
Final results after appeals, will be displayed in July 3.
The notes obtained by the students to the exam will be taken into account for admission to high school for computer allocation will take place on July 16.
Admission to the high school average will be calculated as the arithmetic mean of the average rating and notes from general average 's middle school years.
Distribution of students at the high school you want will be done on the computer www.edu.ro.
Translated by
Denisse-Meda Bucura