EC appoints High Level Group on fake news and online disinformation
39 experts have been selected to counter the phenomenon of fake news and online disinformation. First meeting: January 15.

Articol de Radiojurnal, 14 Ianuarie 2018, 19:28
European Commission has appointed 39 experts for a newly established High Level Group set to counter the phenomenon of fake news and online disinformation. The Group first meets on 15 January 2018.
The group will advise the European Commission on the phenomenon of spreading false content, define the roles and responsibilities of the relevant parties, assess the international dimension and the risks of this phenomenon, and make recommendations. It is expected to deliver a report on fake news and online disinformation, planned for late April 2018.
Group members – representatives of civil society, social media, online platforms, news media organizations and academia - were selected by the European Commission experts from more than 300 applications received. They come from EU Member States and are generally specialized in intellectual property, copyright and media law.
Romania’s expert in this High Level Group is Professor Alina Bârgăoanu, Dean of the Faculty of Communication and Public Relations of the National School of Political and Administrative Studies, SNSPA - Bucharest.
Source:RRA, European Commission