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Different visions on the EU's budget funds for Romania

The Minister of European Funds said that money for Romania in the future European budget is not sufficient, flaunting its commitments as a member of the EU.

Different visions on the EU's budget funds for Romania
Eugen Teodorovici. Photo:

Articol de Petruţ Hîrţescu, 11 Februarie 2013, 08:26

Minister Eugen Teodorovici said exclusively to Radio Romania Actualitati at the “Global Agenda” show , authored by Ianna Ionita, that if we take into account the needs of Romania financing for the next few years, the amount granted does not meet the needs.

"Unfortunately, Romania received only £ 21.8 for the Cohesion Fund.

"It may be more, it's true. Well it would be that this money will we spend much more efficient and much better than it came up in previous years, "said Minister for EU funds at Radio Romania Actualitati.

Increasing the absorption

Eugen Teodorovici said that his duty as Minister of EU Funds and the Government employee is committed to increasing the Fund of European Funds absorption, according to Radio Romania Actualitati Editor, Carmen Gavrila.

Incidentally, Eugen Teodorovici, already fixed the target of absorbing for this year at 50% of the money allocated to Romania for the period 2007-2013 EU budget, i.e., five times more than it was by the end of 2012.

"It's a target that seems optimistic because we relate to a past not exactly pleasant.

"But if we apply what we have said that we must apply in Romania, in the system of European funds, namely simplicity, pragmatism, a bureaucracy taken to zero, the chance exists. and, of course, what we are doing in this important year for the current financial cycle, it will be a good practice for next financial cycle, "said Eugen Teodorovici.

How to spend it, not how much

While some European leaders have said that the approved budget for 2014-2020 combines stimulating growth, job creation and competitiveness, the question remains whether these targets will be possible in Romania as well, with the money that has been thrown.

Minister Eugen Teodorovici believes that from now on, in these conditions, depends on Romania as this money should be allocated to those projects that really will have added value to the economy and to spend just for the sake of making absorption.

"It will be vital in the next period in the coming months, because it's a period where you will have to discuss with the representatives of the opposite of what we are going to raise the tire, and it is very important to think strategically this time, namely to invest in those projects with which Romania may have a comparative advantage over other real neighboring states," explained Eugen Teodorovici.

Plans for European money

Eugen Teodorovici mentioned infrastructure as an area suitable for efficient spending of European money, i.e. an area where projects may have the added value of EC, i.e. projects that not only European but also money to consume and create economic growth.

"First of all you will need to invest in those areas where Romania has taken some clear commitments towards the EU.

"Otherwise, there will be a lot of penalties for noncompliance with these terms-such as the environment, water, sewage, waste. You will need to think very well and in a balanced way, in order to ensure financing of the main areas of concern for the economy, "said Minister of EU funds at Radio Romania Actualitati , within the “Global Agenda”.

Less money

Eugen Teodorovici explained that 9 billion lost by Romania against the initial budget proposal of EC, could be invested in the environment, but not necessarily the area where you are losing money.

"I gave you an example; therefore an amount of EUR 9 billion lost by Romania covered what I was going to raise the whole sector-environment, transport, the two large sectors of building site preparation.

"Of course, the drawing will be done in all sectors, in all areas, not the environment or transport," said Minister for EU funds.

Eugen Teodorovici explained that it will turn backwards, that is, from what we have and we allocate depending on what really is a priority, both in relation to the EU and linked to the areas that can contribute to economic growth.

Simplified system

Minister for EU funds, Eugen Teodorovici believes that, so far, a hindrance in accessing European funds system was too complicated, and the necessary steps for simplicity.

"We have, unfortunately, one of the stuffy systems of Europe European funds.

"You will have to remove those stages which are unnecessary bureaucracy has to disappear, it is a goal of mine, to sort, to involve very much the banking system, to simplify and greatly reduce the state system, central and local," explained Eugen Teodorovici.

The Minister made it clear that we need to have a very flexible system, payment terms are very small between the time of payment of the invoice by the contractors and the time that is required to refund those amounts, not exceeding one month. Thus, it decreases the pressure on the State budget.

Eugen Teodorovici warned that if Romania does not reach target from 2013 spending of 6.5 billion euro, the gap until this amount is lost, remains at EC.

In addition, these practices applied for spending money, now may be a good exercise for a new system that in 2014 to spend money as you need.

That means, said Minister Eugen Teodorovici, unitary and unified approach in the management of EU funds, the existence of a multitude of structures.

Victor Ponta, "totally disappointed" by talks on the EU budget

Prime Minister Victor Ponta declared totally disappointed on Friday as the amount received from Romania in the next financial year multi annual European Union for the period 2014-2020.

"Compared with 48 billion euros, the amount originally proposed by the European Commission, we have achieved 36 billion euro, 20% less. Total disappointment, "said, for Agerpres, Victor Ponta.

Romania has lost 9 billion, has not achieved anything today, said on Friday night, Prime Minister Victor Ponta, referring to the budget of 39.8 billion euros allocated to Romania in the multi annual budget the EU 2014-2020 and press release President Traian Basescu.

"Between 2014-2020 remains to cover in our pocket 9 billion euros that Romania has lost today from 48 to 39 billion euros, we said that we obtained 18% and 15% in Poland. In reality, all the important technical points for us in the future, all were rejected, compared to November, Romania lost 9 billion euros. There was nothing, "said Victor Ponta, Agerpres noted.

The Prime Minister was very disappointed by the outcome of negotiations announced by President Traian Basescu, stressing that it requires clarification in Parliament in connection with the mandate of the head of State.

Traian Basescu: Romania has achieved the highest growth of 18% in the EU budget "

Romania has achieved the highest growth of 18% in the EU budget for the years 2014-2020, compared with the previous budget, said President Traian Basescu at the end of the European Summit in Brussels on the topic of the future of the European budget.

President Traian Basescu said that Romania has obtained a number of facilities.

"VAT is eligible for European funding, and this will bring Romania's budget over 2 billion euros in the implementation of the budget of the years 2014-2020," said Basescu.

The Romanian President also said that the rate of co financing for cohesion programmes increased from 75% to 85% and for rural development programmes, local funding is 25%.

Basescu also said that the pre financing of projects with European funds is 3 percent of their value, but in the case of States that have agreements with the IMF and World Bank pre financing will be 4% ".

All states that will still have collaboration agreements with the IMF or the World Bank will provide a top-up to 10 percent, "which would mean that for those states to cohesion projects co-financing will be 95% and for rural development, co-financing will be increased to 85%. I repeat, if the country is in an assistance program, "said the President.

"Something extremely important was its flexibility in the common agricultural policy, i.e. the possibility to transfer between the Pillar 1 and Pillar of rural development of direct payments, up to 25% of the amount of the budget allocation exercise. It will be a political decision of the Government to manage the common agricultural policy in 2013, "said Basescu.

Leaders of the main political groups in the EP ' rejects the current form of the EU's budget "

To be of value, the document, which marks the first decrease in the budget of the community history community block will have to be adopted by the European Parliament, however, according to Radio Romania News correspondent in Brussels, Luminita Apostol.

Leaders of the main political groups have already announced that refuses the current form because it does not correspond to the interests of European citizens.

The President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, has made the European Parliament Friday to approve the budget.
"The EU budget is not an accounting operation.

"Life, the survival of the European regions, the whole social groups depend on the budget, so to be reflected carefully when talking about the rejection of the European budget, because for the population, for businesses, for employment, especially for young people, for prosperity, the stakes are extremely high, and so must each assume their responsibilities.

"We have assumed responsibility; I hope and indeed I am convinced that the European Parliament will assume responsibility, "he added, Herman Van Rompuy.

Translated by
Denisse-Meda Bucura

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