Crin Antonescu has filed his presidential candidacy

Articol de Radiojurnal, 09 Martie 2025, 20:53
On Sunday, Crin Antonescu, the candidate of the ruling coalition, registered at the Central Electoral Office to run for the Presidency.
Leaders and members of the PSD, PNL and UDMR leadership were present, along with over 100 supporters and a group of opponents of the current government.
Crin Antonescu said he had collected more than 1.700.000 signatures and promised that if he wins the May elections, with the help of citizens, he will make a stronger and healthier state.
Crin Antonescu: I ask my compatriots for the power that lies in your trust to change Romania, to defend Romania, to strengthen Romania. Together we will make a stronger country. Together we will make a healthier state, a well-run and respected nation. Together we will ensure that the strong can work for this country and the weak can be defended and helped. I will unite this nation, I will strengthen this nation. I will be for every Romanian a man who will speak to him and a man who will listen to him.
Translated by: Radu Matei