Civil servants, employees of the Chamber of Deputies, protested again today

Articol de Radio România Actualităţi, 28 Mai 2024, 13:41
Civil servants, employees of the Chamber of Deputies, protested again today in front of the plenary hall. The main demand is to increase salaries by at least 20%. They are rejecting the government's offer of a 10% increase in income in two stages and have announced that they have gone on indefinite Japanese strike.
Alina Grigorescu is the leader of the civil servants' union in the Chamber of Deputies: "The inflation rate from 2017 to now is over 40%. We haven't had our salaries increased since 2017. We have worked in silence for 30 years. We want our voice to be seen and heard. All we want is the recognition of the parliamentary civil service in the hierarchy of the budgetary system and the recognition of the institution in the political-legal system, enshrined in the Romanian Constitution."
Parliament employees began protesting a week ago, initially in solidarity with their colleagues in the government, who also say they have not received pay rises for many years.
Translated by: Radu Matei