Centralization of parliamentary election votes completed

Articol de Radio România Actualităţi, 02 Decembrie 2024, 23:54
The Central Electoral Bureau has completed the counting of all votes cast in Sunday's parliamentary elections, according to the AEP website.
What the results are, we hear from Andrei Serban:
"Seven political parties have exceeded five percent and are entering the next Parliament, according to the latest complete data on the parliamentary elections, which can be found on the website prezenta.roaep.ro.
In the Senate, the Social Democratic Party is in first place with 22.30%, followed by the Alliance for the Unity of Romanians with 18.30%, the National Liberal Party in third place with 14.28%, followed by the Save Romania Union with 12.26%, the S.O.S Romania Party with 7.76%, the Young People's Party with 6.39% and the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania with 6.38%.
In the Chamber of Deputies, the hierarchy is identical. Thus, the Social Democratic Party is in first place with 21.96%, second - Alliance for the Unity of Romanians 18.01%, third - National Liberal Party 13.20, fourth - Save Romania 12.45, S.O.S. Romania 7.36, sixth - Young People's Party 6.46, and the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania with 6.34% closes the list of political parties that will form the next Parliament."
Translated by: Radu Matei