Cases of tuberculosis in Vaslui, increasing
The last outbreak of infection found in the county is in a rehab and recovery of people with disabilities in Huşi City.

Articol de Alina Darie, Vaslui, 24 Iunie 2013, 17:10
Vaslui health authorities are on alert after they found that the number of tuberculosis is increasing. This week, two persons admitted to a care center for people with disabilities in Huşi died.
Powerless, the institution's management says that each year they face such a situation and that they endeavor, if possible, to remedy it.
The number of TB cases among Vaslui people is growing, according to health authorities.
The last outbreak of infection found in the county is in a rehab and recovery of people with disabilities in Huşi City.
Here, 10 people aged between 20 and 30 years are infected with tuberculosis, and two of those affected died this week.
"People continue to die of tuberculosis, especially multidrug-resistant patients. We have cases of tuberculosis recorded at lower age groups, 0-14 years, not many, but they are. We also have deaths, as I said, at young group of age, and in the first quarter of this year we have a case of death in group 0-14 years", says Mihaela Vlada, Public Health Department Vaslui representative.
Management Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection Vaslui, which is in charge of the center where two people died in state care, says that despite the efforts and measures taken to disinfect the building, every year they face this disease among recipients.
Since patients have a very low immunity of the body, complications lead most often to death.
In rural areas, authorities say, there are most cases of tuberculosis.
Translated by Alexandra-Diana Mircea
MTTLC, Bucharest University