Black Sea Port of Constanţa hosts Allied Military Ships
Romanian Naval Forces will host military ships of the Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group 1 (SNMCMG1) that will stay in the Constanţa Military Harbor during 28-31 July.

Articol de Radio România Constanţa, 27 Iulie 2018, 00:26
Romanian Naval Forces will host military ships of the Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group 1 (SNMCMG1) that will stay in the Constanţa Military Harbor during 28-31 July.
After stopovers in the ports of Burgas and Odessa, Romanian Minesweeper F-25 "Lt. Lupu Dinescu", Turkish Navy minehunter “TCG Anamur” and German command and supply ship "FGS Rhein" are at the third stop at the docks this half of the month during which they participated in theBREEZE 18 multinational exercise, co-hosted by US and Ukraine.
Crew activities of the three military ships also include an official visit to the Constanţa Fleet Command, on the first day of the stop in Romania, where aspects of collaboration during this Black Sea Basin mission will be analyzed.
German, Romanian and Turkish militaries will open the gates of the ships for civilian visits, on Sunday, July 29, at the Constanţa Harbor, Passengers Gate, during 10:00-12:00 and 14:00-18.00.
After the stopover in the Constanţa Military Port, ships of the Standing NATO Maritime Group 1 will sail off the Black Sea to continue their maritime traffic monitoring missions, which will end several days before preparations for the celebration of the Romanian Navy Day (15 august).
Source:RRA.Translated by Miruna Matei