At Miercurea Ciuc the temperature dropped 36 degrees in 3 days
At Miercurea Ciuc weather station were recorded 0.3 degrees Celsius Tuesday night, after thermometers showed 36 degrees maximum in August the 26th.

Articol de Beatrice Brăileanu, 30 August 2012, 08:02
At Miercurea Ciuc weather station, Tuesday night, were 0.3 degrees Celsius.
This temperature was recorded after in August the 26th the thermometers showed, for the second time this month, maximum 36 degrees.
The temperature of 36 degrees broke the record of August, registered in August 1957, when the mercury showed 34.9 degrees Celsius.
These temperature variations are not uncommon in Harghita County and are common especially in spring and autumn.
The minimum temperature of August at Miercurea Ciuc was recorded in 1980, when it was minus 1.9 degrees Celsius.
Also in the rest of the county there were low temperatures.
At Joseni there was 2 degrees and 4 degrees Celsius in Topliţa, broadcasts the RRA correspondent, Angela Barsan.
At Joseni, in August 2012 was reached the absolute maximum of 33.8 degrees Celsius and in Topliţa were 35.3 degrees Celsius, value close to that of 35.5 degrees, recorded in July and represents the absolute maximum measured since the weather station was established.
Translated by Alexandra-Diana Mircea
MTTLC, Bucharest University